Sunday, 16 May 2010

MAY 16th, 2010 - posted by Sandy (aka Great-Granny Grandma)

" is God who works in you both to
will and to do for His good pleasure."
(Philippians 2:13)

Well, I'm back after a somewhat lengthy absence during which I felt like a hypocrite and deleted all my posts to this blog.  My story, if I shared it, would be practically verbatim to Angie's confessional in her last post, so I'll spare you the details --except one.

I keep doing (and not doing) the same things over and over and expecting different results.  Does anyone else relate to that? 

Today I enter the battlefield once again, and take comfort in the above Scriptute.  Today I give up trying to do this in my own strength and turn it over to the Lord.  Today my prayer is, Lord, please give me the willingness and commitment to get rid of this idol (food) in my life and start honoring you with the way I treat my body.  Amen!


  1. I'll add my amen to that. If we don't change something, nothing will change. Good luck!

  2. Amen from me too! I don't know why we keep doing this to ourselves. Repentance is a wonderful thing though . . . it affords us the opportunity to start over again! We can do this together!!!


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