Monday, 7 June 2010

Back on Track

I am back on track now. I had really let things slide . . . not listening to my cd, not keeping a food diary, etc.

I am determined not to let this beat me. I have started to keep my food diary again. I am listening to my cd, and also to my ipod.

A small setback does not mean failure. It is only a small setback. I have really been through the mill these past few months. Not an excuse, I know . . . but still. I have gained back 4 pounds . . . and lost it, and gained it . . . and lost it . . . right now I have gained it again. I know it could be worse, but still I don't want this to be the thin edge of a heavy wedge. Time to get back to basics.

Life, you might knock me down from time to time, but you'll never keep me there.

I am back in fighting form and determined to move forward again.
Wish me luck!


  1. That's real fighting talk, that is! Go girl, you know you can. CAN WE FIX IT - YES WE CAN!

  2. Thats the kind of fighting we all agree with dear Marie. Keep going never give up. Just see how much you have already lost..You will be looking wonderful when you get over to Canada won't be long now...I am sure the 4lbs will be off before then.
    Love Sybil x

  3. Go Marie, go!!! You can do it. Yes, you can.

    When I start to feel discouraged and ready to give up, I think of Hebrews 12:1-2 which tells about the great cloud of witnesses in the heavenlies watching me run my race and cheering me on, and that image always manages to spur me on.

  4. Marie, You are MORE than a conqueror in Christ and that includes this battle as well. Repeat, MORE than a conqueror in Christ.

    Over 10 years ago, I started having all kinds of gastro-intestinal challenges. Did some research and had to force myself to change my eating habits. It took prayer, fasting and persistence. It didn't happen overnight, but today my eating habits are totally different and I enjoy certain foods and drinking water that I didn't enjoy back then. Water and popcorn are good fillers with low/no calories.

    Try different strategies until you find one that really works for you. God Bless!


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