Friday 12 March 2010

Still losing

I've been through the most incredibly tumultuous couple of weeks, but I'm happy to report that I am still losing. I weighed myself just prior to having a bath last night (very abnormal for me as I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning) and I was down another 2 pounds, so that is good.

It's not easy to lose your home and your job all together. It is a very, very scary place to be. In days gone by, I probably would have soothed myself by eating everything in sight, again and again. I am happy to report that so far this just hasn't happened.

I was a bit worried that I would have put on weight after having spent a week in Chester looking for a new place to live. All we had to eat when we were there was fast food, mostly from McDonalds, cos it's the cheapest place to eat . . . although to be honest, I tried to choose the healthiest options that I could. We did do an ultra amount of walking though, so that probably helped a lot to keep things moving in the right direction!

Now we are super busy sorting through everything and getting our things ready to move. Things are still quite uncertain as I have not heard from my employer at all, except a brief phone call from his PA to tell me that I didn't need to go into work again and to get on with sorting ourselves out. He had told us that if we needed any help to let him know, but Todd's e-mail doing just that has been totally ignored, and not even acknowledged.

This is just so wrong. I know that I am entitled to redundancy pay, so hopefully that will be forthcoming . . . but when being made redundant also means you lose the very roof over your head . . . we feel that we are at least entitled to relocation costs as well. We shall see what happens . . . but whatever it is, I hope it happens soon, as we are getting down to the crunch here. There are only 2 1/2 weeks left before we need to be out of this house.

Your ongoing prayers and happy thoughts would be very much appreciated!!


  1. No doubt about it - you ARE entitled to redundancy pay and it doesn't matter where in the country you happen to be monsieur has to cough up! I'm glad you're managing to achieve your weight loss but I wish your bank balance didn't go the same way!

    love, Angie, xx

  2. I am so pleased that you are keeping that weight lss going...hip hip hooray...good on Marie...I am praying hard that the "boss" does get in touch you have been such a good and loyal employee you certainly deserve redundancy and a little extra as well...but we all know what we desrved and what we get are often at odds..
    God Bless. Love Sybil xx

  3. Marie, first of all congrats on continuing to lose, I think to be able to maintain your good habits in the face of so much upheaval is just amazing! It can't be easy and our thoughts and prayers are with you, that your employer will do the right thing and QUICKLY!! Hang in there and remember how loved you are, by so many. xoxo

  4. Marie, you are such an inspiration! I am thoroughly amazed at how you have been able to maintain the weight loss, even in the face of all you've been going through at this moment in time. That's awesome!

  5. You are amazing, Marie. hang in there!


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