Wednesday 10 February 2010

What a week!!

I have just had the craziest week ever. It's been really wierd. Some really crazy stuff has gone down at work and I find myself in a really scary place. My employers have separated, right out of the blue and I am now very uncertain as to my future. The husband walked out last Thursday without telling anyone and when his wife got home from her latest trip, a note was waiting for her on the bed. When I went to go into work that night, she told me to go home, I was not needed and not to come in again until I was told. I have gone back once this week, to do something for her as she is leaving for America tomorrow, but I had to go in when she wasn't there. I guess this is one of the down sides of working as a chef for a family and living where you work . . . I am now wondering if at the end of this month I will still have a job or a place to live. Very uncertain.

Happy to say though that I am sticking with my good eating habits. Only eating when hungry and only until satisfied. I haven't been as good as I should about writing everything down. I really need to get with it . . . and I need to be drinking more water. Down 2 more pounds.

I keep waiting for it to stop working. I wonder if this is normal. I suppose that having been on so many diets in the past 20 years and having failed at dieting for 20 years, it is normal to be a little afraid in that way.

We have gone walking a few times over the past week. I wish I had a wii fit. My boss tried to tell me that I should get our dog to give me one for Christmas. She said you should always let the dog buy you a pressie for Christmas. Somehow I don't think that one would wash with my husband!! I think I will have to earn it.

We have booked our tickets to go home to Canada in July and so now the pressure is on to really look good for then!

I guess that's all that is new. Will keep you all posted as to what happens next!! ☺


  1. eeesh....the uncertainty stinks. I have to give you props....when life gets stressful for me, I eat. Anything.

  2. Wow! That must have been quite a shock. I guess it must have been a shock for your employer too, to come home and find a note on the bed.

    I don't know what to say, Marie, but I will praye for all things to work out for good for you. And I have to tell you how very impresed I am that you have stuck with your program despite the stress. That is so awsesome.

  3. Wow, Marie, life can be so uncertain. What are the options for you? I, like the rest, will pray for you and am so very proud of you for sticking with your weight control in spite of the rest of the world. I want to be in that place. I am moving ever towards it but it is an uphill battle. Love you dearly and pray that you and Todd will be able to stay in your little paradise.

  4. so sorry to hear about your uncertain job! sure hope another
    one opens up soon.

  5. Hi Marie, sorry not to respond quicker however Mary and I just back from 4 day coach trip to Margate...where we had teh coldest wind I think I have ever experienced and also lots of snow so didn;t get out much at all !! still it was nice to be away for a few days. Now to come home and read about your is so so sad when these things happen so out of the blue as it seems to have. I pray that there will be away for them to find a common ground that they can get back on to again. Also praying that you job will be is such a worry but I am sure our Lord knows what is ahead for us so we can leave it in his hands,
    Much Love sybil xxx

  6. Have you ever known me be stuck for words? I mean REALLY? I am now. Surely the law provides for 'Security of Tenure' with a tied cottage just as with any other rented property? The Citizens' Advice Bureau can tell you where you stand.

    I can think of lots of platitudes but none of them is worth saying. Let's just link arms and hope and pray.

    lots of love, Angie, xx

  7. Oh Marie. That must be really stressful. I'm sorry you're having to live with such uncertainty at the moment, I hope it all comes round right very soon. What a thing to happen.

    Well done on your continued weight loss, you're an inspiration! As one who continues to struggle with the "diet mindset", I find it remarkable that you've gotten to a place where you trust yourself to know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to stop- and it works!! And losing weight in the winter time is always such an extra struggle, I think, so doubly well done!

    You are in my prayers, hope all will be well with your job... xoxo


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