Tuesday 22 September 2009

Keep Your Body Moving

Yesterday was such a fine day that Todd and I took ourselves on a long, and brisk walk across the orchards and through the fields. I had to keep reminding Todd to stride out as he was wont to amble and I really wanted the exercise.

I can't believe I just said that . . . I really wanted the exercise. That doesn't sound like me very much, or at least the me of a year ago. I actually crave exercise now and I enjoy it when I am doing it.

I recently dug out my old Richard Simmons Exercise videos . . . "Sweating to the Oldies" and "Disco Sweat." Corny I know, but they are fun and I can fit them into my schedule.

Because of the long hours I work, it is hard to fit in going to the gym or to an exercise class, and with these videos I can fit some exercise into my own time, even if it's only 15 minutes here or there. I also have dance videos that are a lot of fun, and I have a treadmill up in our bedroom which is not so much fun.

Exercise is a very important part of the program. Even if you are not at the point where you can be very mobile, or even if you are like Angie, confined to a wheelchair. You can always move your body in some way and every little helps. Even if it is just to sit there and lift your legs up and down , or to wave your arms around. All movement is exercise and valuable in it's own right.

My father has just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I know this is because he is overweight and has been so for most of his adult life. My Aunt Freda was diagnosed with this as well before she passed away. I don't want this to be me in another 10 years time. That's why it's so important that I lose the weight now.

It's hard when you work with food for a living as I do. I get to cook beautiful food all the time, using the finest ingredients. It all smells lovely, looks lovely and I'm afraid . . . tastes lovely. The hypnosis has really helped with that though. Because I have now trained myself to only eat when I am hungry and only eat until I am satisfied, I am able to control myself, which I couldn't before. Yes, I do taste. I have to. It's part of my job, but I am happy just with a taste and I don't have to eat any of it. In fact I have known myself to spit out the taste.

I often ask myself . . . when I am tempted, and believe me I am from time to time . . . do I really want that, or . . . am I really thirsty . . . or would I rather save the calories for something that will actually be good for my body, like an apple or a yoghurt when I get home from work??? I am happy to say that 9 times out of 10 the apple or yoghurt win out, and for the other one time when they don't????

Well, I don't beat myself up about it. Nobody's perfect. ☺


  1. Keith does what I call the 'in between' shopping these days and he almost always comes back with something nice and tasty just for me. Today he brought strawberries - yes I know it's hardly strawberry time but he brought them anyway so I shall eat them!

    love, Angie, xx

  2. Please eat only one unless you are really hungering for strawberries. Then you can make something that can be frozen and eaten later which will give you double the pleasure.
    Best wishes and much prayer, Ruthanne


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