Friday, 4 September 2009

Friday 4th September 2009

Only a loss of 1 lb this time but at least it's in the right direction.  That makes 1st 8 lbs since the end of April - not vast but steady (very!) and I have been a bit naughty.  Well, nobody said I had to be a saint did they?  I am a little demon when it comes to uncooked cake mixture and I hereby own up to having wilfully made sure the mixing bowl was amply supplied with "licks".  Hey, while we're 'fessing up let's be totally honest eh? ............

Last Sunday I had a not huge portion of plum and Grand Marnier crumble with custard.

I also had a couple of roast spuds and a Yorkshire Pudding.  Well, two.

Two packets of crisps went missing from the cupboard.  Prime suspect :  me!

Gosh, I did enjoy every single "cheat" (if you want to call it that).  They were worth only losing one pound for.  I prefer not to call it cheating;  I think it's as much a part of listening to my body as stopping eating when I'm full.  I needed goodies, had them, paid a small price and now I can take up as before.  Yyyyeessss!!

Angie, xx

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Angie. A pound is a pound is a pound! What I like most about this way of eating is that there is nothing forbidden and no bad foods, as long as you play by the rules, only eat when you are hungry and only until satisfied. Sometimes you just want a little bit of something that is a treat! You did great!! I find I am happy with little tastes of wicked goodies, but oddly enough I find myself craving fresh fruit instead of puds!


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