Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunday 16th August

Big test of my resolve today. At lunchtime I at a little scone and a piece of chocolate cake. Oh, I did enjoy that chocolate cake but the scone was horrible. I don't know who made them but if it had been me they would have been straight in the bin!. ~As I said goodbye to my friend, whose "at home" charity event I was at, I mentioned how lovely the choc cake was, thinking she - a wonderful cake maker - had made it. "Tesco's finest" she chortled. Remind me not to go near Tesco's. I hope this won't show on the scales next Thursday.

Another friend called this morning reporting back from her hols Cleethorpes! Needless to say, she was NOT here to show off her suntan. She brought me a jar of stripy mint humbugs, which I shall have great pleasure in giving away to someone who likes them. Last year's jar is stiil around here somewhere!


  1. It might not have been the scone Ang . . . it might have been your "new" tastebuds! I know that things I used to love to eat now taste ucky, which makes it pretty easy to stay away from them! xxoo

  2. No this was definitely the scone! The only good thing you could say about it was that it had real butter on it. I must say though that I have gone off the average English cooked dinner and would much rather have something like the Herbed Chicken Salad which I've just printed from a blog. Sis and I will have this for tea tomorrow before we weigh in.


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