Thursday, 22 October 2009

Thursday 22 October 2009

142.75 lbs today!  Going down slowly again after my little lapse. 

You know, convincing myself that the odd couple of pounds now and then isn't important was a very hard thing to do.  I didn't believe that because of all the years I had spent being conditioned to failure.  Being a fat  child was, I thought, my first failure and it all went downhill from there.  I have always had a running battle going on.

It does get harder, I think, to lose weight as you get older.  Your body changes, your hormones change, your lifestyle changes - YOU change.  Personally, I'm a more laid back character than I used to be.  When I was younger there was always someone I was trying to impress, from the boss to the neighbours.  Whatever YOU had, we had a more up-to-date one or a shinier one.  I'm not bothered any more.  I only want to lose weight because I don't feel comfortable heavier but if  I want to eat a bit of chocolate I will.  Trust me, I know what I'm doing!

There's a lot of eating about to happen in the next couple of weeks because of Keith's birthday and our little holiday in Blackpool but one thing you won't be hearing from me is "I can't, I'm on a diet". 

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