Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Still going down

I am happy to say that my weight is still going down and it is still painless. I am loving the empowerment that comes from being the master of what I eat, instead of it being the other way around.

One thing I do struggle with though, is trying to fit in the time for exercise. I know I need to do more and it has been really hard finding a time that I can fit it in to my day. I do spend 8 hours a day on my feet at work and I work really hard, but that is not exercise.

I am up at 5 o'clock every morning, trying to fit in all that I have to do during the day around my working hours. Each day I start off with great intentions, but then . . . each day ends without me having done any. What is the answer? Do I need to get up at 4 a.m. ??? I don't think I can do that.

There has to be a better answer.

Now that the autumn is here and the days are getting shorter and it is getting dark earlier I haven't been able to fit in that walk after work. It's far too dark. I miss it. It's also too dark early in the morning. This nasty rain we have had all week doesn't help either. I do have a treadmill, but . . . I find it so boring, and because it is people powered, it is walking up hill all the way and extra hard. I know . . . excuses, excuses.

The only and best solution is my exercise video. It's fun and something that I can do here in the house. I don't like to do it with Todd around through, so perhaps I need to take it upstairs and into our bedroom instead of down here in the kitchen. What do you think? It just might work.


  1. Congratulations on your success!!! You have been an inspiration to me and while I've just begun I have managed to lose 5 lbs in the last three weeks. I still have quite a ways to go but your courage and conviction keep me going, thank you!!! I have to say I don't enjoy the exercise part and with the cold weather approaching I don't expect it to get better...I'll just keep trying. Thank you for your kind words on my post yesterday, let's both dare to dream!

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself! Doing your job, on your feet for 8 hours a day AT LEAST, walk there, walk back, cooking at home, Chhurch activities, shopping - exercise I'd say. Moving. You said it to me: "Move whatever WILL move" - and you do.

    Doing specific chuck-it-about exercise makes you feel good. It's meant to, but you shouldn't think you're not doing ANY exercise.

    You're eating healthily,watching your weight, leading an active life, not being a couch potato. I would say you're doing a fine job.

    You're my inspiration, you're my friend and you're lovely.

    love you loads


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