Thursday, 8 October 2009

Thursday 8th October

Now just let this be a lesson to me!  Over the past 4 weeks I have put ON a pound and a half!  I promised myself I would only get on the scales every two weeks.  I can't exercise much because of the wheelchair so my weight loss has to be achieved by following the rule - the ONLY real rule - "Are you really hungry?".  The Thursday before last, when I should have been weighed, I forgot, last Thursday the scales were not in the bathroom and as I didn't know where Keith had put them (he thought he was tidying the bathroom) I never gave them another thought.  Today, everything was back in place and there, before my very eyes, was the stark, awful truth.

I know a pound and a half doesn't seem much to gain but it represents another fortnight's effort to get it off again.

BUT having given my hands a smack I shall re-read Paul McKdenna's book "I can make you thin" - not as an imposition but as a re-inspiration.

In two weeks time I'll write again and will have better to report.

love, Angie, xx

1 comment:

  1. Angie, don't beat yourself up too badly. We all have good weeks and bad weeks, as well as good days and bad days. My weight loss has been at a bit of a standstill here. I reckon I have hit a dreaded plateau. I shall stick with it though as I know it should kick in again and start moving down again soon. ((((Hugs)))) This little set back of yours is only temporary. I know. Love you loads!!! XXOO


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